Thursday, December 9, 2021

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I'm so excited I never have to take speech class again. This week has been so stressful with all the homework that has been due. Like why do we get homework when we need to be studying for your exam instead. However, I have been grateful because out of all my classes I have only two of them have a final exam, and I don't think I'm gonna have to study long for Calculus since I already took that class. 

I was talking to one of my friends a couple days ago from IU and he was talking about how the teachers changed the name of the week before exams to care week to remind students to take care of themselves during the last two weeks of the semester. Like why you gonna act like you care about our health while you post three homework assignments the next day you say to take care of yourself plus a 10 page study guide for the final exam and say this is only half of the material that's gonna be on the test. I don't think care week is the best name, could have used more thought, unless the person who came up with it really enjoys sarcasm. 

The only motivation I have left in my body is being completely used up to finish the last of my homework for this week. I've had a day by day plan I have been following in order to not stress myself out with homework overload and so far it has been working. However, Friday and Saturday is going to be a struggle because I saved the more difficult homework for those days. Whether that was a good choice or not we will just have to wait and see. But don't worry guys we can all get through this stressful 2 weeks together, and no you're not the only one doing 3 hours of homework a day. Pretty sure every kid in college right now is doing the same. It isn't just at PNW.

Ghost busters was a bust

 Over the weekend I went with a couple of friends to see the new ghost busters movie at the amc in Schererville. Don't worry i"m not going to spoil the movie at all in this blog, but I might convince you to stay home and save 12 bucks instead of wasting 2 hours on a terribly made movie. 

The movie had some funny moments throughout the movie, and the build up was alright. However, this can't take away from how poorly the fights were filmed. Not a single time in the movie did I feel anxious or scared for the heroes. It almost seemed as if the film makers ran out of money for the film in the first hour of the movie and had to work with pocket change for the rest of the movie. Even after the movie ended it seemed like everybody else was glad it was over, a couple of kids even said it sucked which made me happy because I thought I was the only one. I should have went to see the new Resident Evil movie instead. 

Sometimes film makers gotta realize that they need to stop making sequels of movies and just come up with a new idea. In my opinion it's been a while since ghost busters has been good. Instead of doing it for the money get creative and think of something new.  Same thing with fast and furious, what are they on the 25th movie now, seems like whenever one of them comes out and you go to watch it you can see the trailer for the next one already as well. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Spotify Premium

I have had spotify for a couple of years, and every single other song I would have to listen to multiple ads in order to get to the next song which really sucks when your on a long car ride or having a concert in the shower. I enjoy listening to music whenever I can get the chance to, and when I do I make sure the volume is all the way up, but it's really loud and embarrassing when an advertisement blasts on full volume when I'm in public so I talked with my parents to see if they would allow me to get spotify premium. At 1st the told me no and said to watch the ad for 30 minutes of ad free music instead.

However, a little later after I had mentioned spotify premium, they got it for themselves on my brother cause they gt the family plan. But the family plan only allows 3 people to share the premium and my brother signed into their account before I had the chance. So about a year later of interrupted concerts and car rides my mom surprised me with an early birthday present and got spotify premium on my phone. 

I don't think I have listened to so much music in my life. I have to constantly recharge my speaker daily because I listen to so much music. I have it playing in the shower, when I work out, when I go frisbee golfing, and when I'm playing Xbox. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents are currently planning on canceling my subscription to spotify so they don't have to listen to my music. However, I don't listen to rap and my music taste is about the same as theirs so that probably helps out my case a lot. Unlike my brother, he enjoys rap and my parents do not so maybe he is the one they are thinking of kicking off the plan. I don't think I can go back to watching ads, it is so much better not having any breaks in my playlist its almost hard to explain. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Thanksgiving Break is almost here

 Thanksgiving break is right around the corner and it could not arrive any slower than it is right now. Even the weekends are going slow. I just want a small break to relax, and take my mind off of school. I need a weekend of just family and friends laughing and staying up late without all the homework, or an assignment hanging over my head.         

My dad's birthday is over the break as well so we will have a double celebration including all you can eat food.  This time of the year is always the best, plus Christmas is right around the corner which makes it even better. However, this year might be a little different. Usually during Thanksgiving we go to our grandparents house to celebrate and spend the day there. My Grandpa died earlier this year in January and Thanksgiving and Christmas are gonna be a lot harder without him. Of course there will still be laughs, but there will also be tears. 

My grandpa always had a great since of humor, and thanksgiving as well as Christmas were his favorites. It's always hard going over to my grandma's house and not seeing the TV on with Dr. Pol playing nonstop, but I know he is in a better place and all the scars he had have been healed. So during thanksgiving I shall take on with a positive attitude and eat all the turkey and gravy I can while my grandpa looks down and watches us

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Food Poisoning from Round the Clock

 During the weekend a couple of friends and I went to round the clock after we finished bowling at star dust in Dyer. I'm not a huge fan of round the clock, I mean there food is just alright. I don't think there is anything special about it, but I was more than happy to go because I just enjoy spending time with friends when I can. 

Originally I didn't plan on getting anything to eat, but as son as we got there I felt a lot hungrier than I thought I was. I ended up getting chicken and waffles which is probably one of the best combos ever on a menu, so I couldn't turn it down. Little did I know that a couple of hours the chicken and waffles would be fighting back. I've had chicken and waffles plenty of times from round the clock and nothing bad has happened, however this time it did. I'm guessing it had to have been the chicken cause how could waffles give you food poisoning.

It has been a couple of days since we went, but the food poisoning hasn't been getting any better. Lets just say that I am not going to be going to round the clock any time soon. Plus baker square is way better anyways. Their breakfast is better, their chicken is better, and they have cinnamon rolls unlike round the clock. And if I'm not feeling baker square then Avgo is even better. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Dog sitting

     Today is my first time dog sitting for my old neighbor I used to live next too when I was younger. They always loved dogs and had to have at least two. They would always let my friends and me in to pet their dogs and throw the ball to them. The dogs were always well behaved and listened to us and their owners.They were gentle with kids and absolutely loved playing outside. So when my neighbor asked me if I wanted to dogsit for their two dogs I happily said yes. Can't be to hard right.

    Well as of right it isn't all I have to do is give them snacks and take them outside every hour or so. However, their one dog Lucy is only a pup and really hyper. When I am sitting she is calm, but the second I stand up she is jumping all over me. Their other dog is getting older so he usually just lays in his bed and every now and then comes over to greet me. 

    I'm not here for long because I have to go back to school later ft my engineering lab. So this gives me time to get some homework done which most likely wouldn't be done if I went home. Usually when I get home I get the urge to watch TV instead of doing homework so dog sitting gives me a little more motivation to get my homework done while petting dogs. Doesn't seem like to bad of a job to me at all. Just can't forget to give them their treats before I leave because don't want dogs on the loose because they sprinted past me when I try to leave for school.  

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Frisbee Golf

 During the beginning of Covid I got introduced to frisbee golf. I didn't even own a disc, and almost immediately I fell in love with the sport if you want to call it a sport. In my opinion frisbee golf is way easier than normal golf, plus it is completely free depending where you go to play it which is another bonus. Another plus is that it is easy t pick up and enjoy, you don't really need god hand eye coordination to do it, you just need to know how to throw a frisbee.

After the first time I went I started my collection of Frisbees. I have only purchased 2 Frisbees from Dick's Sporting Goods and the rest I have found in the woods while searching for my frisbee. If you find a frisbee and it doesn't include a name or number than it is considered yours, so I have probably 35 frisbees now from finding them in thorn bushes and sometimes poison ivy. 

After I tried frisbee golf I introduced my friends to it and usually we go once a week to the course at Lemon Lake in Cedar Lake. We go whether its warm or cold rain or snow because it usually doesn't affect the sport. And with me being stubborn I have went swimming for multiple disks, one time it was below 20 degrees in thigh high water. Can I just replace the disk, of course, but that's an extra 20 bucks that I don't want to spend. Swimming and losing all feeling in my legs sounds like a better option in the moment until after you get the disk and get out of the water. 

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I&#...