Friday, November 5, 2021

Dog sitting

     Today is my first time dog sitting for my old neighbor I used to live next too when I was younger. They always loved dogs and had to have at least two. They would always let my friends and me in to pet their dogs and throw the ball to them. The dogs were always well behaved and listened to us and their owners.They were gentle with kids and absolutely loved playing outside. So when my neighbor asked me if I wanted to dogsit for their two dogs I happily said yes. Can't be to hard right.

    Well as of right it isn't all I have to do is give them snacks and take them outside every hour or so. However, their one dog Lucy is only a pup and really hyper. When I am sitting she is calm, but the second I stand up she is jumping all over me. Their other dog is getting older so he usually just lays in his bed and every now and then comes over to greet me. 

    I'm not here for long because I have to go back to school later ft my engineering lab. So this gives me time to get some homework done which most likely wouldn't be done if I went home. Usually when I get home I get the urge to watch TV instead of doing homework so dog sitting gives me a little more motivation to get my homework done while petting dogs. Doesn't seem like to bad of a job to me at all. Just can't forget to give them their treats before I leave because don't want dogs on the loose because they sprinted past me when I try to leave for school.  

1 comment:

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I&#...