Saturday, November 13, 2021

Food Poisoning from Round the Clock

 During the weekend a couple of friends and I went to round the clock after we finished bowling at star dust in Dyer. I'm not a huge fan of round the clock, I mean there food is just alright. I don't think there is anything special about it, but I was more than happy to go because I just enjoy spending time with friends when I can. 

Originally I didn't plan on getting anything to eat, but as son as we got there I felt a lot hungrier than I thought I was. I ended up getting chicken and waffles which is probably one of the best combos ever on a menu, so I couldn't turn it down. Little did I know that a couple of hours the chicken and waffles would be fighting back. I've had chicken and waffles plenty of times from round the clock and nothing bad has happened, however this time it did. I'm guessing it had to have been the chicken cause how could waffles give you food poisoning.

It has been a couple of days since we went, but the food poisoning hasn't been getting any better. Lets just say that I am not going to be going to round the clock any time soon. Plus baker square is way better anyways. Their breakfast is better, their chicken is better, and they have cinnamon rolls unlike round the clock. And if I'm not feeling baker square then Avgo is even better. 

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