Sunday, October 24, 2021

Frisbee Golf

 During the beginning of Covid I got introduced to frisbee golf. I didn't even own a disc, and almost immediately I fell in love with the sport if you want to call it a sport. In my opinion frisbee golf is way easier than normal golf, plus it is completely free depending where you go to play it which is another bonus. Another plus is that it is easy t pick up and enjoy, you don't really need god hand eye coordination to do it, you just need to know how to throw a frisbee.

After the first time I went I started my collection of Frisbees. I have only purchased 2 Frisbees from Dick's Sporting Goods and the rest I have found in the woods while searching for my frisbee. If you find a frisbee and it doesn't include a name or number than it is considered yours, so I have probably 35 frisbees now from finding them in thorn bushes and sometimes poison ivy. 

After I tried frisbee golf I introduced my friends to it and usually we go once a week to the course at Lemon Lake in Cedar Lake. We go whether its warm or cold rain or snow because it usually doesn't affect the sport. And with me being stubborn I have went swimming for multiple disks, one time it was below 20 degrees in thigh high water. Can I just replace the disk, of course, but that's an extra 20 bucks that I don't want to spend. Swimming and losing all feeling in my legs sounds like a better option in the moment until after you get the disk and get out of the water. 

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