Sunday, October 24, 2021

Frisbee Golf

 During the beginning of Covid I got introduced to frisbee golf. I didn't even own a disc, and almost immediately I fell in love with the sport if you want to call it a sport. In my opinion frisbee golf is way easier than normal golf, plus it is completely free depending where you go to play it which is another bonus. Another plus is that it is easy t pick up and enjoy, you don't really need god hand eye coordination to do it, you just need to know how to throw a frisbee.

After the first time I went I started my collection of Frisbees. I have only purchased 2 Frisbees from Dick's Sporting Goods and the rest I have found in the woods while searching for my frisbee. If you find a frisbee and it doesn't include a name or number than it is considered yours, so I have probably 35 frisbees now from finding them in thorn bushes and sometimes poison ivy. 

After I tried frisbee golf I introduced my friends to it and usually we go once a week to the course at Lemon Lake in Cedar Lake. We go whether its warm or cold rain or snow because it usually doesn't affect the sport. And with me being stubborn I have went swimming for multiple disks, one time it was below 20 degrees in thigh high water. Can I just replace the disk, of course, but that's an extra 20 bucks that I don't want to spend. Swimming and losing all feeling in my legs sounds like a better option in the moment until after you get the disk and get out of the water. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Forgetful Me

 Forgetful Me

Last week starting on Thursday my exam for speech class opened up on bright space for the whole class to take. This exam was 2 parts and was open until Sunday at midnight. On Thursday I thought about taking it but had a bunch of other homework to do so I was to tired to do it by the time I finished all the work I had already done.

I couldn't of done it on Friday  . I had class until 5:50 and after I had to sprint home to take my brother to Illiana for a dodge ball tournament that I wanted to go watch since my brother was participating in it. After the tournament I went to culvers  with some of my friends and after we all went back to my house to play rock band. That's the last time I caught myself thinking about the exam.

Saturday I woke up and the exam didn't even cross my mind. I got my family together to watch squid games until I had to leave to go Frisbee golfing with my buddy Ben. After frisbee, we went went bowling for 2 hours, which then lead to going to steak and shake. Then Saturday turned into Sunday and just like Saturday I had plenty of free time to take the exam, but no I didn't even think of it. So all of Sunday I went without taking the exam all the way through the day and went to bed not knowing how bad I messed up. I only realized I missed it when I saw a friend from that class on Monday, and instantly felt terrible. 

That exam was worth 1/6th of our entire grade and I got a 0 on it since I didn't do it. Worst of all it was an easy exam that probably would have taken me an hour at most to do. S I guess I totally learned my lesson, and from now on I'm gonna try my best not to procrastinate things until the last minute anymore. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Fall Break

 Over the Fall break I got to see all my high school friends again who were back for the long weekend. They have the same breaks as I do because they go to Purdue Lafayette and have the same breaks as us. The first day of the break we all went to bdubs to eat dinner and watch the sox game. The table was split with half wanted the sox to win and the other half rooting against the sox. This provided for some quality drama between the guys. After dinner we all went to the bowling alley and formed teams of three to have a little competition to see who could get the higher score.

 Then the next day we went to a soccer game to watch Illiana win their sectional championship game 10 to nothing and later we stayed up playing our favorite game mode that came out on rainbow six siege called doctor's curse. Which is a Halloween game mode in a 5 v 5 shooter game that we all play. We ended up staying up until 3 in the morning laughing and playing the morning away knowing full well we had plans the next day at noon so we weren't going to be able to sleep long. I stayed up so late that I went to bed as soon as my dad woke up to go to work. 

However, during the break I payed over a hundred bucks to go to Tennessee for a little trip, but eventually didn't go because I knew I wasn't going to have fun with the people who were going, but it was too late to get my money back. I think I made the right choice by staying home because all the guys going just wanted to sit and drink which I don't find fun at all.  I would rather bowl with my closer friends and have a better time that way. Plus I had a baseball game that I couldn't skip which provided me with another excuse to stay home for the break.

Cartel Land Guided Reflection

 Guided Reflection

During the beginning of the movie a group of civilians in Mexico took arms against the cartel who was kidnapping and killing the innocent civilians. This group of civilians went to other towns and protected the people in the town. The Mexican government came and stole the weapons from the civilian but the townspeople screamed and yelled to give them their weapons back because the government wasn't protecting them at all. So that's exactly what they did, but they didn't leave without telling the rebellious citizens that if they break the law then they will be paying for their actions. This surprised me that the government would allow the civilians to take the matter into their own hands without any consequences. And how could they just leave so fast without helping their citizens. It's their duty to take care of their people, how could they abandon them so easily? Some of the movie just didn't make sense. The laws in Mexico just aren't the same as in the United States and the documentary did a really good job showing these differences by including the perspective of an American soldier who worked on border control

These people acted like cops and arrested leaders of the cartel, plus they could use any force that they wanted to which included beating up their prisoners. This was very shocking to me because that can't happen in the US, but in mexico their is no consequences. One "cop" arrested the guy that killed his uncle and his brothers so he just threw him on the ground handcuffed him and beat him up. 

Some questions that remained after watching the film was what happened to the agency after they teamed up with the government? Do they still do the same operations to capture people from the cartel? Did they leave some of the film out from their missions because of legal matters?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Bridge Building

     For my engineering class our assignment is to build a bridge with a specific load that it should be able to take. I have built a truss before that was able to hold 40 pounds, but I have never had to build a full bridge. However, I was excited because we finally get a hands on project that tests the things we have learned so far throughout the year. However this excitement dwindled quite a bit and turned into frustration when I started to build. 

     We were given all the materials in order to build the bridge but all of the pieces we were given are only 1/32 of an inch different. Do you know how hard that is to tell the difference of. Even after measuring all the pieces and labeling them, I am still unsure if I have the sizes right. Not only that but when you glue the pieces together the glue goes everywhere. And this glue is extremely strong. It even comes with this spray that acts like an adhesive and speeds up the drying time for the glue as well as makes it stronger. 

f curse everything didn't go according to plan and I got glue all over my hands and when I was gluing one of the pieces together I also glued my thumbs together. I caught this quite quick but it was too late. They were already stuck pretty good to each other and when I pulled them apart it took some of my skin right off. I tried to use rubbing alcohol to get my fingers unstuck, but i couldn't open the closet door to get the rubbing alcohol.  I was also home alone so there was no one to help me either. 

After 3 days of construction my bridge has finally been built and I am proud and nervous at the same time. For the most part the bridge is looking pretty god s that makes me more confident. However, I can see a couple weak spots where I glued that it could possibly break. Hopefully it can hold up to 60 pounds of force so that I can pass the assignment. 

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I&#...