Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Bridge Building

     For my engineering class our assignment is to build a bridge with a specific load that it should be able to take. I have built a truss before that was able to hold 40 pounds, but I have never had to build a full bridge. However, I was excited because we finally get a hands on project that tests the things we have learned so far throughout the year. However this excitement dwindled quite a bit and turned into frustration when I started to build. 

     We were given all the materials in order to build the bridge but all of the pieces we were given are only 1/32 of an inch different. Do you know how hard that is to tell the difference of. Even after measuring all the pieces and labeling them, I am still unsure if I have the sizes right. Not only that but when you glue the pieces together the glue goes everywhere. And this glue is extremely strong. It even comes with this spray that acts like an adhesive and speeds up the drying time for the glue as well as makes it stronger. 

f curse everything didn't go according to plan and I got glue all over my hands and when I was gluing one of the pieces together I also glued my thumbs together. I caught this quite quick but it was too late. They were already stuck pretty good to each other and when I pulled them apart it took some of my skin right off. I tried to use rubbing alcohol to get my fingers unstuck, but i couldn't open the closet door to get the rubbing alcohol.  I was also home alone so there was no one to help me either. 

After 3 days of construction my bridge has finally been built and I am proud and nervous at the same time. For the most part the bridge is looking pretty god s that makes me more confident. However, I can see a couple weak spots where I glued that it could possibly break. Hopefully it can hold up to 60 pounds of force so that I can pass the assignment. 

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