Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Forgetful Me

 Forgetful Me

Last week starting on Thursday my exam for speech class opened up on bright space for the whole class to take. This exam was 2 parts and was open until Sunday at midnight. On Thursday I thought about taking it but had a bunch of other homework to do so I was to tired to do it by the time I finished all the work I had already done.

I couldn't of done it on Friday  . I had class until 5:50 and after I had to sprint home to take my brother to Illiana for a dodge ball tournament that I wanted to go watch since my brother was participating in it. After the tournament I went to culvers  with some of my friends and after we all went back to my house to play rock band. That's the last time I caught myself thinking about the exam.

Saturday I woke up and the exam didn't even cross my mind. I got my family together to watch squid games until I had to leave to go Frisbee golfing with my buddy Ben. After frisbee, we went went bowling for 2 hours, which then lead to going to steak and shake. Then Saturday turned into Sunday and just like Saturday I had plenty of free time to take the exam, but no I didn't even think of it. So all of Sunday I went without taking the exam all the way through the day and went to bed not knowing how bad I messed up. I only realized I missed it when I saw a friend from that class on Monday, and instantly felt terrible. 

That exam was worth 1/6th of our entire grade and I got a 0 on it since I didn't do it. Worst of all it was an easy exam that probably would have taken me an hour at most to do. S I guess I totally learned my lesson, and from now on I'm gonna try my best not to procrastinate things until the last minute anymore. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself! It's amazing that you're showing up, staying safe, and getting your work done :)


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