Sunday, September 26, 2021

Ghost in the Graveyard

     This week my brother Luke had his high school friends over on Friday to hang out. They are all freshman in high school, but I know a lot of them from middle school. When they got there they kept asking me, Logan could you take us to the park to play ghost in the graveyard when it gets dark outside. 

    I absolutely love ghost in the graveyard, as a kid I would play for hours and hours with my friends that lived on the street. We would play it everyday in the summer no matter what the weather was like. However, we got to good at it and extended the boundaries to make it way more difficult. On average the seeker would be it for almost an hour before finding someone. 

    "Of course Ill take you guys" I replied, "but i'm going to teach you the way we used to play it." And that's exactly what we did. We spent the last few hours of daylight eating at dairy queen, and as soon as it got dark I drove them to the park. We played until they all had to get picked up, and right before they left they told me, "get ready for next week cause you are never gonna find me then."

1 comment:

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I&#...