Friday, September 17, 2021


     I'm finally starting to miss playing baseball at a competitive level. I have always played baseball, ever since I was 6, but this is the first year i am not. I could have played for PNW, but I decided that six days a week before and after school is just to much. After all it is my first year of college, I want t get used to college before I overwhelm myself with other responsibilities. 

    I know my family would have loved to see my play baseball at college, but I think its time to move on and find a job instead. Because I used to play baseball year round, I never had time for a full time job, so I think it is time to get one since I have a lot of free time now. Would baseball be more fun, yeah of course, but is it the smartest choice I don't know. 

    I am still playing baseball for a fall league which helps me stay active with baseball, but the competition is not what i am used to. I am used to seeing mid to high 80's and the closest I get to that in my league is 75. There are kids that have just started playing baseball, and it just doesn't bring the same level of excitement that travel ball does. 

    There are also divisions in the dug out where the talented players sit and talk, and the place where the easy outs sit and talk. I don't like this and I try to talk with everyone cause I like having my team be a team that is close to each other because it makes it more enjoyable and the team better. And who knows maybe next year I will decide that I want to give college baseball a try, and i will play next year. 

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