Sunday, September 26, 2021

Ghost in the Graveyard

     This week my brother Luke had his high school friends over on Friday to hang out. They are all freshman in high school, but I know a lot of them from middle school. When they got there they kept asking me, Logan could you take us to the park to play ghost in the graveyard when it gets dark outside. 

    I absolutely love ghost in the graveyard, as a kid I would play for hours and hours with my friends that lived on the street. We would play it everyday in the summer no matter what the weather was like. However, we got to good at it and extended the boundaries to make it way more difficult. On average the seeker would be it for almost an hour before finding someone. 

    "Of course Ill take you guys" I replied, "but i'm going to teach you the way we used to play it." And that's exactly what we did. We spent the last few hours of daylight eating at dairy queen, and as soon as it got dark I drove them to the park. We played until they all had to get picked up, and right before they left they told me, "get ready for next week cause you are never gonna find me then."

Friday, September 17, 2021


     I'm finally starting to miss playing baseball at a competitive level. I have always played baseball, ever since I was 6, but this is the first year i am not. I could have played for PNW, but I decided that six days a week before and after school is just to much. After all it is my first year of college, I want t get used to college before I overwhelm myself with other responsibilities. 

    I know my family would have loved to see my play baseball at college, but I think its time to move on and find a job instead. Because I used to play baseball year round, I never had time for a full time job, so I think it is time to get one since I have a lot of free time now. Would baseball be more fun, yeah of course, but is it the smartest choice I don't know. 

    I am still playing baseball for a fall league which helps me stay active with baseball, but the competition is not what i am used to. I am used to seeing mid to high 80's and the closest I get to that in my league is 75. There are kids that have just started playing baseball, and it just doesn't bring the same level of excitement that travel ball does. 

    There are also divisions in the dug out where the talented players sit and talk, and the place where the easy outs sit and talk. I don't like this and I try to talk with everyone cause I like having my team be a team that is close to each other because it makes it more enjoyable and the team better. And who knows maybe next year I will decide that I want to give college baseball a try, and i will play next year. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Old Friends Reunite

     Yesterday I got to see two of my closest friends from high school that I haven't seen since the middle of summer. They are up at Purdue Lafayette, which I could have went to but decided against it. Even though we aren't that far away, it is hard to see one another because we are always busy doing something. They also haven't come home at all to visit during the week so I haven't had the opportunity to see them at all. 

However, Illiana, my old high school, had sectionals for soccer and they both wanted to see it. That's when I got the text from Simon telling me to get to Illiana as soon as possible. So that's exactly what I did. My mom drove to the car mechanic to pick up my car which just got finished with an oil change and I was on my way to the soccer game. Simon and Jake are huge soccer fans while I think its boring to watch. The players kick a ball for an hour and a half and if you are lucky, you might get to see a goal or two.This didn't bother me though because I didn't go for the game I went to see my friends that I have missed dearly.

I do have to say though I thoroughly enjoyed watching the game. The game was tied through both quarters and went into double overtime, but it didn't stop there. Both teams didn't score during overtime causing it to go to penalty kicks. However, both teams tied four a piece on the penalty kicks causing it to go into sudden death. This means the first team to make a penalty kick and the other team to miss it loses. The sudden death went five rounds until Illiana finally won against Kouts. We all stormed the field even though we had been told not to, and I stained my white paints when I dove on tp of all the soccer players. 

Christmas Break !!!

 Holy cow its about time we have reached a long break from college. I can't even begin to explain how much this is needed right now. I&#...